Seventh-Day Adventist Church


Pacific Union Recorder

The Recorder is the monthly news magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Pacific Southwest. Every church member/family in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah should receive the magazine, free of charge. If you do not receive the Recorder and would like to, please contact your church clerk to make sure your name and address are submitted. In the meantime, read the Recorder online.

Please note that we do not accept ANY content via USPS mail, fax or over the telephone. All classified ads, announcements, At Rest submissions, etc., must be submitted digitally by email or via the online forms. We understand that not everyone uses email and/or the internet; however, everyone knows someone who does.

Change of Address
Please notify your church clerk with address changes. You may also e-mail changes to subscriptions or send them by mail to: Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 5005, Westlake Village, CA 91359

The Recorder has a circulation of approximately 76,000 homes.

Display Ad Placement contact:  Alicia J. Adams
Classified Ad Placement contact:  Sali Butler

2017 Deadlines
These are the dates when all ads and story material are due to the Recorder from designated contributors and advertisers. Nearly all content comes from local conference, college and hospital communication departments, so their deadlines are likely much earlier. Please be sure to check with your communication director if you are interested in submitting a story.

2017 Copy/Ad Deadlines 
Issue Deadline
 January  November 28, 2016
 February  January 5
 March  January 24
 April  February 28
 May  March 28
 June  April 25
 July  May 30
 August  June 22
 September  August 1
 October  August 29
 November  September 26
 December  October 31
 January 2018  November 27

2017 Copy Deadlines (pdf) downloadable

2017 Ad Rates
 Back Cover  $4,200
 Full Page  $3,800
 Half Page  $2,200
 Quarter Page  $1,200
 Eighth Page  $700
 Per Column Inch  $160
 Classified Ads  
 First 50 Words  $70
Additional Words  75 cents each

2017 Ad Rates - regular (pdf) downloadable
2017 Ad Rates - schools (pdf) downloadable
2017 Ad Rates - inserts (pdf) downloadable

Classified ads do not contain photos, borders, color or other style elements. They are text only.

Design Fee
An additional fee of 25% of the ad rate will be added to all display ads requiring design or re-design to meet specifications. For example, any display ad that arrives in Microsoft Word or Publisher or is the wrong size will have to be re-done. Please call Alicia Adams at 805-413-7284 or e-mail to get exact Recorder design specs.

Classified ads must be prepaid via check, money order or credit card. Please make checks payable to:

Pacific Union Recorder
P.O. Box 5005
Westlake Village, CA 91359-5005

Display advertisers will receive an invoice with a tear sheet (a copy of the printed ad) after the issue runs. Please remit payment as soon as you receive the invoice. Of course, display ads may be prepaid, as well. 

Frequency Discounts
Advertisers may lower their rates by placing advertising on a contract basis.

  • 6 within 12 months = 10%
  • 12 consecutive months = 15%

Classified ad contracts must be prepaid in full to qualify for the discount.

Display ads that are paid monthly will lock in the specified discount, but not the rate. (For example, if you contract for 12 months starting in July 2017 and pay monthly, you receive 15% off the 2017 rate for July through December, and 15% off the 2018 rate for January through June.)

Display ads that are prepaid in full for the entire contract lock in both the discount and the rate at the time of the first ad run. (For example, if you contract for 12 months starting in July 2017, you will receive the 2017 rate and the 15% discount through June 2018.) However, 12-month contracts that start in the last three months of a calendar year do not qualify for the locked rate.

Union Department Discounts
Pacific Union departments may receive up to four quarter-page ads free of charge to promote union-wide events sponsored by their department. Ads may be combined, such as one half-page ad and two quarter-page ads. Free design services may or may not be included, depending on staff availability. Please make your request at least one month before the deadline of the desired issue. You may not sub-lease your complementary ad space.

Free Classified Ads
The following entities may qualify for free classified ad space to advertise specific things:

  • Adventist churches, elementary schools and academies within the Pacific Union advertising their own used furniture, equipment or supplies for sale.
  • Non-profit organizations whose boards of directors and constituencies are mainly Adventist may announce their constituency meetings in the Bulletin Board section.
  • Adventist school within the Pacific Union alumni reunions and home-coming weekends.

Refunds will be issued only if an error is made by the Recorder in either printing or content. Position is not guaranteed (except for the back cover), and an ad run out of the expected position will not constitute grounds for a refund.

Printing of advertisements, whether display or classified, will be entirely at the discretion of the editor and/or editorial board. The Recorder assumes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the claims of advertisers. Advertising is limited to Adventists in regular standing except where a service may be rendered to our members.

Display Ad Dimensions
 Back Cover  8 x 9.25"
 Full Page w/bleed  8 x 10.625"
 Full Page, no bleed  6.875 x 9.375"
 Half Page, horizontal  6.875 x 4.625"
 Half Page, vertical  3.375 x 9.375"
 Quarter Page, standard  3.375 x 4.75"
 Quarter Page, vertical  1.625 x 9.375"
 Eighth Page  3.375w x 4.75"h or 1.625w  x 9.375"h or 6.875"w
 One Column  1.625" wide
 Two Columns  3.375" wide
 Three Columns  5.125" wide
 Four Columns  6.875" wide

*Note: Ads that bleed must extend beyond the listed dimensions for press trimming; 0.25" is sufficient. Also, keep in mind that listed dimensions for bleeds are to page edge. We suggest leaving a margin of at least 0.25".

Preferred Ad Formats
Please maintain a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (max. 400) and minimal or no compression.

1. .JPG
2. .PDF


Minimum ad size is one column inch, available in whole inches only (no half-inch rates). Ads should be "camera-ready;" that is, they should not require resizing or retyping to fit. Otherwise, advertisers will be notified and charged the Design Fee. Ads should come via e-mail in high resolution (300+ dpi) in the proper format. Microsoft Word is NOT an acceptable format, and will require a re-design fee. If applicable, all fonts and links must be included. Ads are available on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis.

Printing of advertisements, whether display or classified, will be entirely at the discretion of the editor and/or editorial board. The Recorder assumes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the claims of advertisers; use common sense to evaluate the value of the product or service. Advertising is limited to Adventists in regular standing except where a service may be rendered to our members.


The Recorder prints, at no charge and as space is available, obituaries of constituent members who have passed away within the previous six months. Obits will also be printed, as space permits, for people who were members in the Pacific Union for many years but moved outside the union before the date of their death. Fill in the form below or email Please include the following information:

Deceased: Last name, first name, middle name or initial, maiden name (if applicable), title (Jr., II, etc.), church where membership was held, date of birth (month/day/year) city of birth, state of birth, date of death (month/day/year), city of death, state of death.

Survivors: provide first and last names of the following survivors, plus the relationship of each to the deceased, in this order: spouse, sons, stepsons, daughters, stepdaughters, siblings, step-siblings. For an unmarried young person's obituary (under 30) you may include father (and stepmother), mother (and stepfather), brothers, stepbrothers, half-brothers, sisters, stepsisters, half-sisters.

Others: Do not list other friends or relatives such as spouses of family members, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, friends, roommates.

List the number or grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc., but NOT their names.

Biographical information for current/former denominational employees. Space permitting, the Recorder may print up to 25 words of information that will help church members confirm the deceased's identify, such as: "taught Bible and history in at San Diego Academy for 35 years," or "pastored in California for 50 years." The Recorder will not print information not related to church employment, such as "attended the First Church for 25 years," "collected vintage Rolls Royces," or received Silver Star for bravery in second world war."

Recorder Obituary Form